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ConsortiaManager Pricing

Structure ConsortiaManager to fit your own workflow and only include the features that benefit your consortium

ConsortiaManager Pricing

Structure ConsortiaManager to fit your own workflow and only
include the features that benefit your consortium

If you want to know more about ConsortiaManager, please contact us for a discussion of the possibilities

Standard version

Records: Information on agreements, publishers and members

Start renewals: Merging the existing subscribers into a spreadsheet and sending these to publishers, allowing them to update prices in the spreadsheet

Price calculations: Allows for uploading of the prices and the use of price matrices or percentage increases to prices from last year

Content summaries and content files: Lists of journal in packages and descriptions of the content

Member interface: Interface where members have information presented and are able to renew, order of cancel their subscriptions

Reminders: Automatic reminders to members when deadline for response approaches

Order placement: Automatic merging of order-files and emails to publishers at the push of a button

Publisher invoices: Validation of publisher invoice amounts

Member invoices: Validation of member invoice amounts

Additional functionality

Cost avoidance reports: Include list prices and automatically generate cost avoidance reports, to highlight the value of your consortium

Forecast reports: Create budget forecasts for members based on your estimated price increases for upcoming renewals

License itemization: The possibility to itemize the licenses to communicate easily to members what the license allows them to do with the content

Historical data: Upload of historical data and help consolidating old data

Support tickets: Support tool that streamlines the requests from members allowing for efficient handling

Custom progress bar: Special setup of the progress bar outside the "normal" options

Translation module: Possibility of translating the system into other languages and changing wording in the system

Forum: Shared forum, where members can communicate with the consortium and each other

Conference materials: Sharing of material not directly related to agreements

Comparison and simulation tool: Members can test variations of portfolio and compare with other members

A system for streamlining and optimizing the workflow process of consortia's electronic subscriptions